We use a tool we call the gestaltometer to guide decision making in RA- not validated but it does the job well for us.
Current best iteration is here – you can ONLY use it if you know the password!! ie e mail me personally and then you can use it
This is a link to the clickable version – Clickable Gestaltometer
Or if you prefer to just download and print use this one Gestaltometer
Validated tools
Many rheumatologists use the CDAI, SDAI or DAS to stratify patients in to four groups according to disease activity.
CDAI = Patient global (/10) + Physician Global (/10) + SJC 28 + TJC 28*
SDAI = CDAI + CRP mg/dl (up to 10)
DAS28: In order to calculate the DAS28, information about some disease variables is needed.
· Number of swollen joints *
· Number of tender joints *
· Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
· Patient’s “global disease activity” measured on a Visual Analogue Scale of 100 mm
*Based on 28 joints; shoulders, elbows, wrists, MCPs PIPs, knees
DAS28 = 0.56 * sqrt(tender28) + 0.28 * sqrt(swollen28) + 0.70 * ln(ESR) + 0.014 *
REMISSION | < 2.8 | |
LOW | 2.8 – 10 | < 3.2 |
MODERATE | 10 – 22 | 3.2 – 5.1 |
HIGH | >22 | > 5.2 |
Remission and Response
The ACR criteria for clinical remission in rheumatoid arthritis:
Five or more of the following requirements must be fulfilled for at least 2 consecutive months
1. Duration of morning stiffness not exceeding 15 minutes
2. No fatigue
3. No joint pain (by history)
4. No joint tenderness or pain in motion
5. No soft tissue swelling in joints or tendon sheaths
6. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (Westergren method) < 30 mm/h for a female or 20 mm/h for a Male
EULAR remission criteria recommend use of either of the following definitions as the primary and the other as a secondary outcome measure:
SDAI ≤3.3
All of the following:
Swollen and tender joint counts (using 28 joint count) each ≤1
Patient global assessment (on a 0 to 10 scale) ≤1
CRP (expressed in mg/dL) ≤1
For clinical practice consider using :
CDAI ≤2.8
Using DAS
For improvement from baseline
Good > 1.2
Moderate > 0.6 < 1.2
None < 0.6