Read this page carefully! All the way to the bottom.
- Please remember to bring your Health Card – we can not see patients without a valid up to date card!
- If a patient arrives more than 7 minutes late it generally pushes out whole clinic back for the rest day – if you arrive any later than that and we may reschedule your appointment. Read our late or missed appointment policy
- Wait in your car until 5 minutes before your appointment
- We are not routinely allowing relatives. If you feel strongly that you need a caregiver present at your appointment we can accommodate this by prior arrangement. That means we will make a different appointment when the office is quieter. Our aim is to respect the wishes of the majority of our patients, and navigate the space challenges when three or four physicians are working here.
- Patient MUST sanitize their hands on entering the office (staff will indicate the sanitizer)
- No outdoor shoes are allowed in the office Winter or Summer
- You will get a separate e mail asking you to complete some forms prior to your appointment
We have good news: If you do not wish to adhere to our office policies we are very happy to arrange referral to a different clinic
If you have been in contact with anybody who has symptoms of covid or has been tested and is awaiting results you MUST NOT COME IN. We care for a vulnerable population and will not take any risks.
Please understand that whilst you will always see Dr Averns Dyck or Catton, you will also be assessed by other members of the team including our Arthritis Society therapists, Rheumatology Fellows (trainees) and Family Medicine Residents – this is how we develop the ability to see new patients sooner. SO YOU ARE MOST LIKELY TO BE INITIALLY ASSESSED BY ANOTHER MEMBER OF THE TEAM, BUT YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE A SPECIALIST ASSESSMENT TOO . If this arrangement is not acceptable to you we would be pleased to help you find an office which suits your preferences.